I'm Rui-Cang Xie, Ray

Major in Deep Learning and Generative Adverserial Network



About Me


National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
- Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Fengjia University
- Bachelor of Science in Photonics

Research Areas

Generative Adverserial Network
- High Resolution Age Transfer GAN
Deep Neural Network
- Facial Age Estimation
- Face Recognition

Programming Language

- Python/C/C++
- PyTorch/Keras/Caffe
- Git/Docker
- Flask/MongoDB/RESTful API


- TOEIC 735, 2020

My Portfolio

High Resolution Age Transfer GAN

I proposed a novel generative adversarial network for facial age transformation, i.e, giving a image to the well-trained model, which will generate images that look like old people or children. It can generate high-resolution images (1024 x 1024 pixel) and very impress detailed of age features.

This network can generate very natural facial attribute during the age transfer process. When the synthetic face get older, the wrinkles become deeper and the hair becomes gray. When the synthetic face get younger, the wrinkles become smoother. When the target age is a child, it will generate the face of child and the teeth become irregular.

You could click the picture below and zoom in to see the details of the images. Each figure contains a real image, and the others are synthetic images. The last three figures are high-resolution data, each figure is around 10 MB, so it would take some time to load.

Facial Age Estimation


This work is use deep CNN to predict age of the input image. The face is aligned by 68 facial landmark from Face Alignment Network. The cropped face is obtained by similarity transformation to get 256 x 256 pixel image. Then the cropped image will be input to the well-trained model to predict age.

Try the link below to predict your facial age! If you are using PC, please scan the QR code by mobile phone.

Try It

Robotic Dinosaur

This work is made for its own sake. Inspired by Godzilla, this robot started from scratch, including skeleton design, mechanism design, circuit design and motion programming. I use Arduino to control the movement of the dinosaur by the servo motors. The pictures below is the detail of the dinosaur. You could click the first one to watch the action video.

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